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If the spacial aspects are not meet the above illusion will not occur. When I carve the plates of the instrument
I rarely use measuring devices other than for reference purposes.Using the old analogy that knowing the map and knowing the territory are two very different aspects of a place ,object or thing. To know for example, the map of Africa is not the same perception as to actually be there and experience the multitude of present moment awarnesses.These can include such things as climatic variances, soil, wind, smell and a whole array of sensory perceptions that create the presents of ones awareness. It is precisely this aspect of knowing that I create from.The process of sculpting the violin plates is not an activity per say but more of an event that I am the subtle cause.The plate thickness is not as a result of meticulous measuring but is the result of the inside and outside forms being carved in harmony ,where one is the exact opposite of the other.The thickness is merely the result of the proceedure.The focus is always in the now, leaving what separates the two as but the ultimate result of the activity.The edge of the plate whatever thickness one chooses is the guide that determines the resultant plate thickness through out. One must realize that the thickness 90 degrees from the slope is different than that at 90 degrees from the plane at the same point. The bottom plate is a bit smaller than the top .The reason being that again in harmony the outside of the bottom plate has the same angular dimension as the inside top plate, leaving the inside bottom smaller yet. Create these two plates in this harmony and you will achieve the correct balance to produce in sympathetic resonance the beautiful tone of a stainer violin. If you have the ability, to reverse that which is seen, in your mind, this procedure can be replicated . |
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